

創博基於工業自動化、數控機床、機器人、人工智能以及機器視覺等應用相關的垂直產業, 以專用機的概念,提供一站式客制化服務。為助力復工復產,即日起至2021年11月10日,凡購買創博控制器平台,即可獲得免費運動控制軟體NexGRC/NexGMC/NexECM,同時享有免費課程培訓,以及案例分享及實作練習,讓您在使用過程中沒有後顧之憂。數量有限!限時優惠,趕快聯繫我們來了解詳情吧!

Robot Control , Motion Control , Embedded Automation System , Customization Service

NexCOBOT, Dynapath, and Intel: AI-Added Tool Grinding Design for Speed and Efficiency

NexCOBOT works with Dynapath Companies, Inc., an industrial technology company that designs and produces interactive CNC controls, software, and computerized machine tools worldwide for the metalworking industry. Their unique, innovative software and CNC controls help customers maximize productivity by reducing setup time and increasing shop floor multitasking.

Embedded Automation System , Industrial Control PC , Customization Service

Take Control of Automation with the All-in-One NET355 Motion Control System

With our newest NET355 hybrid motion control system, we’ve made life stress-free by incorporating all of the following into a small form factor: two protocols (EtherCAT and Mechatrolink), a proprietary management software stack, a user-definable and scalable FPGA, and an array of I/Os.

Embedded Automation System , Industrial Control PC , Customization Service , Factory Automation


創博秉承合作共贏的理念,提出解決「方案合作夥伴計畫」 (SPP, Solution Partner Program),與合作夥伴共同協助客戶構建開放式和模組化智慧型機器人控制和運動控制解決方案;聯合大聯大控股世平集團的「世平集團系統整合商獎勵計畫」(WSPP, WPI SI Partner Program),與合作夥伴一起打造“開放、合作、雙贏”的生態系統,帶給客戶最佳的選擇。

Robot System , Customization Service