
Optimized Integration of NexECM EtherCAT Master Controller and Shihlin Servo Drive for Enhanced Efficiency

NexECM supports Shihlin Electric's SDC and SDP series servo drives, providing precise motor control and stable output. It ensures your automation system achieves optimal operating efficiency and offers a comprehensive motion control solution for various applications.

EtherCAT Master Controller , NexECM


EtherCAT為現今分散式運動控制器的通訊主流,具有高即時性、高擴展性、高穩定性等特點。創博提供專業EtherCAT主站控制器, 讓使用者可以快速建置EtherCAT控制系統,透過NexECM軟體,使用者可以在即時作業系統環境下開發專屬的EtherCAT運動控制。 控制器之開放式架構讓使用者在Microsoft® Windows環境中可輕鬆整合第三方軟、硬體,發展EtherCAT相關加值應用。

Motion Control , EtherCAT Master Controller , EtherCAT Master Software , NexECM



Motion Control , EtherCAT Master Controller , EtherCAT Master Software , NexECM , NexMotion


在小型貼片件折彎車間,整個工作流程依舊由人工進行取料放料、衝壓折彎、成品堆放,加工效率低下,甚至會出現安全問題。由於人工操作的不可控性,成品品質與產量難以保證,加強人工管制和品質管控迫在眉睫。 在此背景下,實現自動化操作就尤為重要。自動折彎機用兩個伺服夾爪代替人工上下料,自動將金屬零件壓成其他形狀,使整個生產過程更安全、更高效。

Motion Control , NexECM , NexMotion , EtherCAT I/O



Robot Control , Robot Gateways , Motion Control , NexECM , NexMotion

NexECM EtherCAT 主站控制器

EtherCAT為現今分散式運動控制器的通訊主流,具有高即時性、高擴展性、高穩定性等特點。創博提供專業EtherCAT主站控制器, 讓使用者可以快速建置EtherCAT控制系統,透過NexECM軟體,使用者可以在即時作業系統環境下開發專屬的EtherCAT運動控制。 控制器之開放式架構讓使用者在Microsoft® Windows環境中可輕鬆整合第三方軟、硬體,發展EtherCAT相關加值應用。

Motion Control , EtherCAT Master Controller , EtherCAT Master Software , NexECM , NexMotion

Cosmetic Box Assembly Line

Changing lifestyles and rising demands of skin and sun care products encourage the growth of the cosmetics market. Cosmetic box manufacturers are therefore asked to upgrade their facility and increase production output while minimizing overhead costs. NexCOBOT provides NET300-ECM, an EtherCAT master controller, as the main controller to control up to 19 stations including 2 SCARA robots, 165 digital inputs, and 105 digital outputs.

Robot Gateways , Motion Control , EtherCAT Master Controller , NexECM , EtherCAT I/O

Curtain Cutting Machine

NexCOBOT provides ECM-110F, an EtherCAT master controller, for the customer to build up an EtherCAT-based motion control system for their curtain cutting machine. NexCOBOT develops its own EtherCAT master communication that complies with all standard 3rd-party EtherCAT slaves with high performance.

Motion Control , EtherCAT Master Controller , NexECM , Factory Automation



Motion Control , EtherCAT Master Controller , NexECM , EtherCAT I/O , Factory Automation

NEXCOM EtherCAT General Motion Control Solution Simplifies Robotic Production Line Coordination

NEXCOM’s EtherCAT General Motion Control (GMC) Solution, NET 200-GMC, facilitates multi-axis coordination for robotic production lines. Targeted at system integrators (SIs) for industrial automation, the NET 200-GMC Solution features high EtherCAT Master-Slave compatibility, and SoftMotion support.

Motion Control , NexECM , NexMotion , Factory Automation